1) A regular membership may be granted to:

  • any licensed physician in Poland professionally involved in emergency medicine;
  • any medical school academic in Poland who teaches and/or conducts research in the field of emergency medicine.

2) Regular members who apply by written declaration are accepted based upon approval of the Board of the Society, or the Board of a regional branch of the Society.

3) Regular members have the right to:

  • seek election to, and/or to participate in the election of members to the Board of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine;
  • participate in meetings, readings, conferences, symposia, and other events organized by the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine;
  • utilize the facilities, services, and assistance of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine;
  • membership in sections as appointed by the Board of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine;
  • wear the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine emblem;
  • file appeals pertaining to resolutions and statements of the Board of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine regarding membership matters.

4) Regular members are obliged to:

  • actively participate in the work of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine, and to actively promote the Society’s goals and programs;
  • comply with the bylaws, regulations and resolutions of the Board of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine;
  • fulfill payments of all membership fees.

1) Supporting membership may be granted to a person or to a legally established organization which is interested in the statutory activity of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine, provided it has declared its organizational, financial or material aid to the Society.

2) Supporting members who apply by written declaration are accepted based upon approval of the Board of the Society.

3) Supporting members are obliged to pay all required membership fees.

4) Supporting members are non-voting members but maintain the same rights as regular members.

5) Supporting members who declared to provide organizational, financial or material aid to the Society are required to fulfill their declared commitments, and are required to comply with the Society’s regulations and resolutions.

1) Honorary membership may be granted to a person who is considered to have made outstanding contributions to the development of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine.

2) Honorary membership may be granted by the Board of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine based upon the request of the Society’s President.