Dear Colleagues,
We kindly inform you that after a 4-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish Society of Emergency Medicine is undertaking the organization of another traditional international event:

29th Winter Conference on Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care
March 14 th-16th, 2024, Karpacz-Mercure Skalny Hotel, Poland

The organizers of the conference are:
– Lower Silesian Branch of the Polish Society for Emergency Medicine,
– Wrocław Medical University
– Chair and Department of Emergency Medicine,
– Chair and Department and Clinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care,
– Department of Paediatric Traumatology and Emergency Medicine

The special occasion of this event is the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of emergency medicine in Poland as an independent medical discipline and medical specialization, along with the formation of the Polish Society of Emergency Medicine.
We aim to give a unique character to this conference, as a meeting of pioneering Polish emergency medicine doctors and practitioners in this discipline with significant clinical experience.

We also dedicate the conference program to these goals, in which we plan, among other:
• Reminding the development history of the emergency medicine in Poland
• Evaluation of the experiences of hospital emergency departments and an introduction to the challenges that the future holds for them.
• Discussion on the growing competencies and responsibilities of emergency medicine doctors, as well as the prospects for their’ professional and scientific careers.
The accompanying workshops will cover selected topics from the daily practice of emergency departments, including:
1. Design and Architecture of Emergency Departments:
• Planning the new EDs
• Transforming already existing EDs.
2. Assessment of activity and costs in the Emergency Department:
• Evaluating the activity and costs of the ED in the context of reporting.
3. Selected clinical procedures in Emergency Medicine, including:
Early sepsis diagnosis and treatment:
• Issues related to early sepsis diagnosis and its emergency treatment in the ED
• Integration with later development of sepsis diagnostics and targeted therapy in the ICU.
Procedures in Acute Respiratory Failure, including:
• NIV (Non-Invasive Ventilation).
• Emergency airway management
These workshops aim to provide comprehensive insights into the planning, functioning, and clinical aspects of emergency departments, with a focus on critical issues such as sepsis diagnosis and management of acute respiratory failure, provide practical insights into analgo- sedation practices by emergency physicians and the implementation of crucial procedures in the context of acute cardiac failure, including ECPR, cardioversion, and the active role of the Shock Team in the emergency
4. Advancements in Point-of-Care Diagnostics: acute abdomen in children, POCUS, and other imaging:
Acute abdomen in children: diagnostic approaches and considerations for managing acute abdominal cases in pediatric patients.
POCUS (Point-of-Care Ultrasound): Utilization of point-of-care ultrasound for rapid and real-time diagnostics in emergency settings.
5. Advancements in Hyperbaric Medicine: basics of qualification for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:
• Fundamentals of assessing and qualifying patients for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
• Emerging trends and advancements in hyperbaric medicine.
6. Emergency Medicine in the face of mass casualties, including CBRNE Threats (Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear-Explosive):
• Strategies and protocols for emergency medicine in response to CBRNE threats
• Protective measures, decontamination procedures, and specialized treatment considerations.

To carry out the program, we invite colleagues from national centres, as well as trusted friends from Europe and the rest of the World. The meeting in Karpacz will, as usual, be an opportunity for the exchange of experiences, refreshing old connections, and establishing new friendships as well as building joint plans for the development of emergency medicine. Proposals for presentations and posters corresponding to the presented topics should be submitted by February 3rd of this year.


Chairman: Janusz Sokołowski MD, PhD

Vice Chairmen:

– Prof. Juliusz Jakubaszko MD, PhD

– Prof. Waldemar Goździk MD, PhD

– Goutam Chourasia MD, PhD

– Prof. Jan Godziński MD, PhD


– Jędrzej Machowiak MD

– Mateusz Paplicki PhD

– Filip Maślicki MD

– Dorota Rutkowska MD

– Wojciech Środa MD

– Daria Witkowska MD

– Ewa Polak

– Agnieszka Szklarz

Conference Secretariat:

Agnieszka Szklarz, Ewa Polak, Ewa Brzezińska
Department of Paediatric Traumatology and Emergency Medicine
Wroclaw Medical University
50-345, Wroclaw, Bujwida str. 44a , Poland
Tel. +48 71 328 60 45 Email: Website:

Conference Venue:
Hotel Mercure Skalny, Karpacz, Obrońców str.5 , Poland
Phone: +48 75 752 70 37

Registration Fees:
Full Fee – PLN 500
PTMR Members Fee – PLN 400

The registration fee includes: participation in sessions, identification badge, participation certificate, attendance at the welcome cocktail, and coffee during breaks.
The deadline for conference registration is March 3, 2024.

Registration Form on Society’ website

Charge for Hotel Mercure Skalny and meals for the period of March 14-16, 2024:
– Single room – PLN 860 (PLN 600 for accommodation + PLN 260 for meals)
– Double room – PLN 1220 (PLN 700 for accommodation + PLN 520 for meals)

The above amounts include: accommodation with breakfast (2 nights) + meals (lunch on March 15 and 16, and a Gala Dinner on March 15, 2024).
Participants staying outside Hotel Mercure Skalny have the option to purchase meals directly at the hotel. Information on prices and the possibility of purchasing meals at the hotel will be provided on-site.

The deadline for submitting presentation topics and works for the poster session is February 3, 2024.